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TC01: Upload a new Soil Sample for a Farm generated by the mapping component

kwason edited this page Jun 15, 2015 · 3 revisions


Upload a new Soil Sample for a Farm generated by the mapping component


QA Test environment, Existing calculator environment


Using the mapping component generate a farm that matches "Farm 12" of the existing demonstrator. Upload the JSON export into the soil sample importer and map soil sample results to the paddocks defined for the farm.


Farm 12 .csv available

Steps to Complete:

Step 1:

Create Farm 12 farm data using Mapping Component. Paddocks assigned groups

Expected Result:

Successful generation of farm data JSON

Step 2:

Access Soil Sample HTML page

Expected Result:

Successfully accessed HTML page via browsers

Step 3:

Upload generated farm data JSON

Expected Result:

  1. Paddocks list with no Soil Sample data
  2. Import Soil sample button available

Step 4:

Select Import Soil sample and upload farm 12. csv file

Expected Result:

CSV data available

Step 5:

Auto link "A4N_PdID" with the "Farm Paddock Name"

Expected Result:

"Farm Paddock Name" automatically linked to the A4N_PdID Names

Step 6:

Link the drop-down list with the columns provided

Expected Result:

Export button available

Step 7:

Export new farm data with soil sample info

Expected Result:

New JSON file created

Step 8:

Return to the FarmBuild Soil Sample Importer home page Upload the new farm data with Soil info

Expected Result:

Soil info and farm data displayed Classifications provided and colour coded Paddock groups listed and average classifications provided Raw JSON output displayed

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