This repository contains my installation and setup scripts for various Linux distributions.
β All scripts must be run as root.
This script automates various maintenance tasks required after a fresh installation,
such as installing non-free drivers and codecs.curl -o ~/ && chmod a+x ~/ && ~/ ; rm -f ~/
This script automates various maintenance tasks required after a fresh installation,
such as installing non-free drivers and codecs. -
Also includes zypper-unjammed and sets up an alias for zypper-autoremove.
curl -o ~/ && chmod a+x ~/ && ~/ ; rm -f ~/
Useful information and suggestions that may improve your workflow.
- Enable menu-complete:
Make your terminal more efficient by enabling directory completion
grep -qF 'TAB: menu-complete' ~/.inputrc || echo 'TAB: menu-complete' >> ~/.inputrc
- Disable HISTFILE:
If you prefer not to save your command history
grep -qF 'unset HISTFILE' ~/.bashrc || echo 'unset HISTFILE' >> ~/.bashrc
- Customize your prompt:
echo 'export PS1="\[$(tput setaf 216)\]\u\[$(tput setaf 220)\]@\[$(tput setaf 222)\]\h \[$(tput setaf 229)\]\w \[$(tput sgr0)\]$ "' >> ~/.bashrc
Suggested tools:
- Flatseal - Flatpak permission manager
- Gear Lever - AppImage helper
Suggested tools: