A simple MATLAB interface which allows to perform subjective evaluation tests using Stimulus Comparison Adjectival Categorical Judgment (SCACJ) method [1]. In this method, two stimuli (e.g., images or videos) are shown side by side and then the subject gives a score between +1 (slightly better) and +3 (much better) to the most pleasant image, or a score of 0 in case of similar quality. After, the subjective scores are normalized in the range [0,10]. Refer to [2] for more details.
- Matlab with version > R2015
Run subTestForm.m for a demo
[1] ITU-R Recommendation BT.500-13, “Methodology for the Subjective
Assessment of the Quality of Television Pictures,” ITU, Geneva,
Switzerland, Jan. 2012.
[2] F. Jabar, J. Ascenso, and M.P. Queluz, “Objective Assessment of Perceived Geometric Distortions in Viewport Rendering of 360⸰ Images”, IEEE J. Sel. Top. Signal Process., vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 49-63, Jan. 2020