Conscience.AI is a simple way for developers to handle moral decision-making within their applications. This is a highly opinionated framework, so you should understand the philosophy behind the project before you implement it in your platform.
Currently, the project is in the design and planning stage. Our current goal is to document the guiding philosophy behind the project. If you would like to be involved at this stage, please contact Keith Brink.
This project is a FaithTech Labs project, and the moral decisions made by the framework are from a Christian bias.
Some potential end-uses for this project:
- A simple way to check the content of text or website and categorize it as adult, nsfw, 13+, or family.
- Drop-in privacy settings for users to manage the distribution of self-created content
- Easy to use meaningful age verification
- Watch a large project for potential moral issues and surface any decisions made about them
This project is led by Keith Brink
If you would like to contribute to the project, please see the CONTRIBUTING file for details
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details