LM... 🦥💤
$ make install
The interchaintest directory contains an e2e test suite for the LazyChain IBC setup:
- LazyChain
- Stargaze
- Celestia
The test suite uses Interchaintest to spin up a full environment with ICS721 and all you need to test the full sloth journey end-to-end.
First you need to build the local docker image:
$ make local-docker
You can also specify the image with environment variables
. For instance, you can run the latest built in CI withLAZYCHAIN_IMAGE_REPOSITORY=ghcr.io/Lazychain/lazychain
You can run the test suite with the following command:
$ cd interchaintest
$ go test -v -p 1 ./...
The repo has a very lazy option if you want to run a full local environment with a single command.
The environment consists of:
- LazyChain (duh... 🦥)
- Stargaze
- Celestia
- Relayer
The environment sets up all the above components and configures:
- User with funds on all chains (mnemonic:
curve govern feature draw giggle one enemy shop wonder cross castle oxygen business obscure rule detail chaos dirt pause parrot tail lunch merit rely
) - An NFT contract on Stargaze (to mimic the Sloth collection)
- ICS721 deployed on Stargaze and LazyChain
- IBC connection between LazyChain and Stargaze
- Channels for both ICS20 between all chains
- Channels for ICS721 between LazyChain and Stargaze
To transfer, see the command section below.
There are some pre-requisites to run the interlazychain environment:
- Go
- Docker
- lazychain:local image built (
make local-docker
To run it:
$ cd interchaintest
$ go run ./local-interchain
It takes a while to spin up everything, deploy the contracts and whatnot, but once it is finished it will output something like following:
Users, all with the mnemonic: curve govern feature draw giggle one enemy shop wonder cross castle oxygen business obscure rule detail chaos dirt pause parrot tail lunch merit rely
Sloth user address: lazy1ct9r7k20kp7z2m90066h6h2anq0rvmmrhwcl0w
Stargaze user address: stars1ct9r7k20kp7z2m90066h6h2anq0rvmmrw9eqnk
Celestia user address: celestia1ct9r7k20kp7z2m90066h6h2anq0rvmmrtnldz2
LazyChain chain-id: lazytestchain-1
LazyChain RPC address: tcp://localhost:63921
Stargaze chain-id: stargazetest-1
Stargaze RPC address: tcp://localhost:63910
Celestia chain-id: celestiatest-1
Celestia RPC address: tcp://localhost:63915
ICS721 setup deployed
ICS721 contract on Stargaze: stars1nc5tatafv6eyq7llkr2gv50ff9e22mnf70qgjlv737ktmt4eswrq096cja
ICS721 contract on Sloth chain: lazy1wug8sewp6cedgkmrmvhl3lf3tulagm9hnvy8p0rppz9yjw0g4wtq8xhtac
Sloth contract: stars14hj2tavq8fpesdwxxcu44rty3hh90vhujrvcmstl4zr3txmfvw9srsl6sm
Stargaze to Sloth channel: channel-1
Sloth chain to Stargaze channel: channel-2
Celestia to Sloth channel: channel-0
Press Ctrl+C to stop...
The lazychaind
binary has some built-in commands to interact directly with the sloths.
lazychaind tx sloths transfer [from] [to] [nft-id] [--flags]
lazychaind q sloths owned-by [address] [--flags]
Both commands have a --mainnet
and --testnet
flag to fill in all the necessary flags for the respective chain.
They are not implemented at the moment, but will be once testnet and mainnet are live.
This command will transfer an NFT from one chain to another using ICS721 (it supports both Stargaze->LazyChain and LazyChain->Stargaze). It does not currently support transfer between two addresses on the same chain.
With --mainnet
or --testnet
flag from Stargaze to LazyChain
$ lazychaind tx sloths transfer stars1ct9r7k20kp7z2m90066h6h2anq0rvmmrw9eqnk lazy1u0g894r00fu3rnh7ft35yzk9smyaxscyhax3vs 1 --testnet
With --mainnet
or --testnet
flag from LazyChain to Stargaze
$ lazychaind tx sloths transfer lazy1u0g894r00fu3rnh7ft35yzk9smyaxscyhax3vs stars1ct9r7k20kp7z2m90066h6h2anq0rvmmrw9eqnk 1 --testnet
With all override flags (necessary for local interchain environment)
$ lazychaind tx sloths transfer stars1ct9r7k20kp7z2m90066h6h2anq0rvmmrw9eqnk lazy1ct9r7k20kp7z2m90066h6h2anq0rvmmrhwcl0w 1 --node tcp://localhost:57023 --chain-id stargazetest-1 --nft-contract stars14hj2tavq8fpesdwxxcu44rty3hh90vhujrvcmstl4zr3txmfvw9srsl6sm --ics721-contract stars1nc5tatafv6eyq7llkr2gv50ff9e22mnf70qgjlv737ktmt4eswrq096cja --ics721-channel channel-1 --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.5 --keyring-backend test
This command will query all the NFTs owned by a specific address on a specific chain.
With --mainnet
or --testnet
$ lazychaind q sloths owned-by stars1ct9r7k20kp7z2m90066h6h2anq0rvmmrw9eqnk --testnet
With all override flags (necessary for local interlazychain):
$ lazychaind q sloths owned-by stars1ct9r7k20kp7z2m90066h6h2anq0rvmmrw9eqnk --node tcp://localhost:57023 --nft-contract stars14hj2tavq8fpesdwxxcu44rty3hh90vhujrvcmstl4zr3txmfvw9srsl6sm
Too... Lazy... To... Write... More... 🦥