Version 2.2.0
FINE release (2.2.0) provides some changes in code including bug fixes for
- plotOperationColorMap (issubclass error should not occur anymore)
- default solver (default solver is changed to None; it is searched for an available solver if no solver is specified)
- transmission components: capacityMin and opexPerOperation can be given as a pandas DataFrame
- postprocessing: no ValueError occur if components are not chosen in the optimized solution
- postprocessing: optimizationSummary is ordered correctly s.t. properties are assigned to the corresponding component.
New features were included:
- New keyword argument linkedQuantityID: The number of different components can be forced to be the same.
- Enable time-dependent conversion factors (e.g. for modeling heat pumps)
- Add warning for simultaneous charge and discharge of storage components; users can check if and when simultaneous charge and discharge of storage components occur
- Add operation value for considered time horizon in the optimizationSummary
- Add new attribute objectiveValue to EnergySystemModel class