We created an app that allows users to create events called 'Hangs'. As a signed in user you can set when, where, and what the event is.You can also RSVP (future update) to events and keep track of which events you are going to.
Front end (https://fbrd2.github.io/hangout-client/). Back end (https://shrouded-refuge-81940.herokuapp.com/).
Fork can be made and grunt served onto your server from the link to the project here (https://github.com/FBRD2/hangout-client)
- Change order events appear in, no RSVP to past events
- Styling changes
Wireframe - https://imgur.com/B08l7kl, https://imgur.com/rRXsqHf
ERD - https://imgur.com/4UGLlWv
- User stories -
- As an unregistered user, I would like to sign up with email and password.
- As a registered user, I would like to sign in with email and password.
- As a signed in user, I would like to change password.
- As a signed in user, I would like to sign out.
- As an unregistered user, I would like to see all events.
- As a signed in user, I would like to RSVP to an event.
- As a signed in user, I would like to create my own event.
- As a signed in user, I would like to update my own events.
- As a signed in user, I would like to delete my own events.
- [Express API] Express for server setup
- [MongoDB] Used to keep database
- [HTML]
- SCSS - Style sheets
- [JavaScript] - Used to create front end lists
- [Jquery]
- [Ajax] - used to create calls on API
- [Handlebars] - used to display html on page
- [Git]
- GitHub
- herokuapp api
- [bootstrap] - used for dropdowns
For the back end of this project, see (https://github.com/FBRD2/hangout-api).
We use [github] for versioning. For the versions available, see the (https://github.com/FBRD2/hangout-client).
- Brandon DePalmaFarr - Initial work - DePalmaFarr
- Dan Powers - Initial work - danpowers24
- Trey Hilson - Initial work - TreyHilson
- Ross Northrup - Initial work - northross
- Used https://gist.github.com/PurpleBooth/109311bb0361f32d87a2#file-readme-template-md for README template