This application performs a basic pre-processing of t1-w images:
- ACPC alignment
- Bias Field Correction
Gabriele Amorosino ([email protected])
Matteo Ballabio ([email protected])
Paolo Avesani ([email protected])
If you use this code for your research please cite:
Gabriele Amorosino, Denis Peruzzo, Daniela Redaelli, Emanuele Olivetti, Filippo Arrigoni, Paolo Avesani,
DBB - A Distorted Brain Benchmark for Automatic Tissue Segmentation in Paediatric Patients,
NeuroImage, 2022, 119486, ISSN 1053-8119,
You can run the BrainLife App DBB_preprocessing_t1w
on the platform via the web user interface (UI) or using the brainlife CLI
. With both of these two solutions, the inputs and outputs are stored on the platform, under the specified project, and the computations are performed using the cloud computing resources.
You can see DBB_preprocessing_t1w currently registered on Brainlife. Find the App on and click "Execute" tab and specify dataset e.g. "DBB Distorted Brain Benchmark".
Brainlife CLI could be installed on UNIX/Linux-based system following the instruction reported in
The first time you use the BrainLife CLI on a machine, you need to log in with the credentials
bl login
You can run the App with CLI as follow:
bl app run --id 60cb69e0cdfdb50220fee1c3 --project <project_id> --input t1:<t1_object_id> \
--input mask:<mask_object_id> --input affine:<affine_object_id>
the output is stored in the reference project specified with the id <project_id>
. You can retrieve the object_id using the command bl data query
, e.g to get the id of the mask file for the subject 0001 :
bl data query --subject 0001 --datatype neuro/mask --project <projectid>
If not present yet, you can upload a new file in a project using bl data upload
. For example, in the case of T1-w file, for the subject 0001 you can run:
bl data upload --project <project_id> --subject 0001 --datatype "neuro/anat/t1w" --t1 <full_path>
You can run the code on your local machine by git cloning this repository. You can choose to run it with dockers, avoiding to install any software except for singularity. Furthermore, you can run the original script using local software installed.
It is possible to run the app locally, using the dockers that embedded all needed software. This is exactly the same way that apps run code on
Inside the cloned directory, create config.json
with something like the following content with the fullpaths to your local input files:
"t1": "./t1.nii.gz",
"mask": "./mask.nii.gz",
"affine": "./affine.txt",
Launch the app by executing main
The App needs singularity
to run.
The output of bl_app_dbb_preprocessing_t1w is the preprocessed T1-w i.e. rigidly reoriented to template space and bias-field corrected
The file is stored in the working directory, under the folder ./outoputdir and has the same basename of the input T1-w file with the suffix "_reoriented_N4"
n.b. You can find a copy of the same file, stored in the working directory under the folder ./T1_reoriented_N4 with the standard name t1.nii.gz
Clone this repository using git on your local machine to run this script.
The tool can be used through the
script. -i <T1.ext> -t <template.ext> [-o <outputdir>] [-a <affine.ext>] [-m <mask.ext>] [-n <num>]
There are two mandatory inputs:
-i, --input T1-w image to be preprocessed
-t, --template template as reference space to be reoriented (e.g. MNI152)
and some optional inputs:
-o, --outputdir if not provided, the scripts creates the folder "T1w_preproc" in the same folder
as the input image
-a, --affine fullpath of affine matrix to perform rigid transformation to the template
-m, --mask full path of the brain mask to limit Bias-field correction on these voxels
-n, --threads number of threads
Example: -i ./t1.nii.gz -t ./data/MNI152_T1_1mm.nii.gz -m ./mask.nii.gz -a ./affine.txt
In the repository is present the folder data/ where is stored a reference template in MNI space (MNI152) at the resolution of 1mm (isotropic).
The output of bl_app_dbb_preprocessing_t1w is the preprocessed T1-w i.e. rigidly reoriented to template space and corrected for bias field
The file is stored in the --outputdir
folder and has the same basename of the input T1-w file with the suffix "_reoriented_N4"
In order to use the script, the following software must be installed: ANTs, Advanced Normalization Tools (version >= 2.1.0)