Tool for converting DICOM folders of pre-/post- surgical longitudinal data into the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) standard -i <input_dir> -o <output_dir> -c <config> [-e <epre>] [-p <pre>] [-s <post> ] [-l <lpost>]
Compulsory arguments:
-i, --inputdir directory of the dicoms folderts of the subjects
-o, --outputdir outpu directory of the resulting BIDS style data
-c, --config configuration file specify the naming convention
Optional input:
-p, --pre pre surgery data unique identifier label
-e, --early-pre early pre surgery unique identifier label
-s, --early-post early post surgery unique identifier label
-l, --late-post late post surgery unique identifier label
The option --config
(or -c
) accepts in input a JSON (.json) configuration file.
Here is an example of a configuration file, where T1-w (named T1-w), rs-fMRI (named task-rest_run-01) and Diffusion-Weighted Imaging MRI data (named dwi) are considered.
"descriptions": [
"dataType": "anat",
"modalityLabel": "T1w",
"criteria": {
"SidecarFilename": "001*"
"dataType": "func",
"modalityLabel": "bold",
"customLabels": "task-rest_run-01",
"criteria": {
"SidecarFilename": "002*"
"sidecarChanges": {
"TaskName": "rest"
"dataType": "dwi",
"modalityLabel": "dwi",
"criteria": {
"SidecarFilename": "003*"
In order to use the tool dcm2bids must be installed.
for example, you can install it via conda
conda install -c conda-forge dcm2bids
or via pip
pip install dcm2bids