HKMP release v2.0.1
Release of major version of HKMP.
This is the official release of the HKMP API as discussed in the pre-release. While the API does not contain all possible features it could have, it serves as a good starting point for people to start developing addons. Changes to the API will be made when necessary and may be breaking in the future.
This release unfortunately means the end of official support for HKMP for the 1.4 version of Hollow Knight. The networking has changed so significantly that it is no longer possible to connect with HKMP v0.7.2 to servers running HKMP v2.0.1.
Features since previous release:
- Expose local connect and disconnect events to API
- Improved and exported documentation for the API
Bugfixes since previous release:
- Networking issues with loading multiple addons should no longer happen
- UI sprites are now loaded properly