First FHIR PIT release that enables users to run and test the tool with sample input data in a docker container.
What's Changed
- Env study period processing fix along with integrating with XWalk Clark prediction and adding index column across study period by @hyi in #3
- revert binning back to 0 and 1 by @hyi in #5
- rename study_period/Active_In_Study_Period back to year/Active_In_Year by @hyi in #6
- null edge case bug fix by @hyi in #7
- Demo updated by @hyi in #9
- Demo by @jjgarciac in #10
- Kara cleanup by @karafecho in #11
- Deidentify by @jjgarciac in #14
- Create by @karafecho in #15
- Separate binICEES step into binning and deidentify steps by @hyi in #16
- Get FHIR PIT dockerized by @hyi in #17
- Update by @karafecho in #18
- Pcor by @jjgarciac in #19
- Karafecho patch 1 by @karafecho in #20
- Clean up table and add columns to tutorial. by @jjgarciac in #21
- adding license statement by @hyi in #23
- added a script to merge CMAQ fields for pm25 and ozone by @hyi in #24
- Bump tqdm from 4.53.0 to 4.66.3 in /spark by @dependabot in #22
- Reduce memory requirement from previous 25GB to 4GB by @hyi in #25
- Update by @karafecho in #26
- added acs dbf and shx files to accompany the shp file by @hyi in #27
- fixed the docker run command line volume mount in tutorial by @hyi in #28
- Update 10-FHIRPIT.Rmd by @karafecho in #29
New Contributors
- @hyi made their first contribution in #3
- @jjgarciac made their first contribution in #10
- @karafecho made their first contribution in #11
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #22
Full Changelog: