These repository contains projects of (Fudan University) DATA130006: Introduction to Natural Language Processing.
Thanks to Dr.Zhongyu Wei, who is the Instructor of this course.
You can reffer to the website for some deatiled information of projects under this reporstory. You can also download datasets and raw codes from the course website.
Generally speaking, there are 4 Homework & 1 Final Project under this reporstory:
Index | Name | Task | Model |
Project 1 | Spelling Correction | Spelling Correction | Noisy channel model and language model |
Project 2 | Stock Market Trends Prediction | Text Classification | Naïve Bayes model |
Project 3 | Chinese Event Extraction | Sequence Lebaling | HMM & CRF |
Project 4 | Word2vec | Implement Word2vec | word2vec model(Skip-gram) |
Final Project | Rumor Detection | Rumor Detection | Dynamic SeriesTime Structure (DSTS)/SVM/LR LSTM/Bi-LSTM model Propagation Tree Kernel (PTK) model |
Since the first 4 projects is related to the course homework, there is no codes provided. Put another way, only the requriment and the report are available. Howeverm, if you do need the codes, please don't hesitate to contacte me at [email protected].