####Install Modules
$ npm install
$ npm start
The server url is [http://localhost:3000] (http://localhost:3000)
後台網址為 [http://localhost:3000/admin] (http://localhost:3000/admin)
$ npm install -g nightwatch
$ nightwatch #or
$ npm test
$ npm run build
- Use Nightwatch
- 複合元件發Pull Request前,請記得要寫測試,不然一律__退回__
- 測試會在 TravisCI 自動進行,在通過前不會Merge
npm eslint
to check coding style. -
Use class extends React.Component unless you have a very good reason to use mixins.
// bad const Listing = React.createClass({ render() { return <div />; } }); // good class Listing extends React.Component { render() { return <div />; } }
Variable Naming
// bad const reservationCard = require('./ReservationCard'); // good const ReservationCard = require('./ReservationCard'); // bad const ReservationItem = <ReservationCard />; // good const reservationItem = <ReservationCard />;
Always use double quotes (
) for JSX attributes, but single quotes for all other JS.// bad <Foo bar='bar' /> // good <Foo bar="bar" />
Always use camelCase for prop names
// bad <Foo UserName="hello" phone_number={12345678} /> // good <Foo userName="hello" phoneNumber={12345678} />
Wrap JSX tags in parentheses when they span more than one line:
/// bad render() { return <MyComponent className="long body" foo="bar"> <MyChild /> </MyComponent>; } // good render() { return ( <MyComponent className="long body" foo="bar"> <MyChild /> </MyComponent> ); } // good, when single line render() { const body = <div>hello</div>; return <MyComponent>{body}</MyComponent>; }
Always self-close tags that have no children.
// bad <Foo className="stuff"></Foo> // good <Foo className="stuff" />