Releases: ExLibrisGroup/spineomatic-cloudapp
Preview/Edit Labels Enhancement
This release adds the ability to preview and edit labels before printing.
- Use the "Preview/edit labels" button on the label print panel to load the generated label HTML into an HTML editor in the preview/edit panel.
- The user might wish to click the "Expand" icon in the Cloud App for a bigger view of the editor.
- The user may edit any aspect of the labels.
- Click the "<>" icon in the editor toolbar to edit the HTML source.
- Click the printer icon in the editor toolbar to print the labels.
- Use the "Reload labels" button to reload the original generated labels into the HTML editor.
- Use the "Clear and start over" button to return to the "Enter barcodes" panel.
- Use the "Back" button to return to the label print panel to select a different layout and/or template.
Additionally, this version adds the ability to include the individual alternative call number parts in a label template, GitHub issue #132.
Minor enhancement of fields available for templates
In addition to the preview/edit labels enhancement in the previous beta, this version has an enhancement to include the individual alternative call number parts in a label template, GitHub issue #132.
Preview/Edit Labels Enhancement
This release adds the ability to preview and edit labels before printing.
- Use the "Preview/edit labels" button on the label print panel to load the generated label HTML into an HTML editor in the preview/edit panel.
- The user might wish to click the "Expand" icon in the Cloud App for a bigger view of the editor.
- The user may edit any aspect of the labels.
- Click the "<>" icon in the editor toolbar to edit the HTML source.
- Click the printer icon in the editor toolbar to print the labels.
- Use the "Reload labels" button to reload the original generated labels into the HTML editor.
- Use the "Clear and start over" button to return to the "Enter barcodes" panel.
- Use the "Back" button to return to the label print panel to select a different layout and/or template.
Minor enhancements, general release
General release version containing the following enhancements:
Minor enhancements
This beta includes:
- issue #123, additional out-of-the-box APLI label layouts
- issue #126, sorting templates and layouts alphabetically
- issue #127, support for the TH SarabunPSK font
- issue #128, new call number option to skip a certain number of leading segments in the printed call number
To try the beta, click the "i" (information) icon on the SpineOMatic tile in the "Cloud App Center" in Alma, then click the "Try v1.3.7-beta" link.-
Additional Call Number Parsers
This release adds two call number parsers: Reg Ex and Dividing Decimals
Reg Ex permits applying one regular expression against the call number.
Dividing Decimals permits inserting the supplied decimal character every 3 characters starting from the end working backwards, and to optionally print the call number as a barcode. Only applied to call numbers which are numeric only.
Beta - two additional call number parsers
This release adds two call number parsers: Reg Ex and Dividing Decimals
Reg Ex permits applying one regular expression against the call number.
Dividing Decimals permits inserting the supplied decimal character every 3 characters starting from the end working backwards, and to optionally print the call number as a barcode. Only applied to call numbers which are numeric only.
Updated enhancement
Loosen the definition of the LC call number cutter for GitHub issue #88. The cutter is now defined to be the decimal character, followed by an alphabetic, then followed by either another alphabetic or a digit.
Defect repair
Address alignment issues when using call number parts in a template.
Defect repair
Repair defect related to GitHub Issue #104.