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Release Candidate 1

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@patrickarlt patrickarlt released this 14 Oct 20:47
· 1268 commits to master since this release

Breaking Changes

  • Task methods that accept callbacks (like run or bounds) now return an instance of XMLHttpRequest as opposed to the task or service.
  • bindPopup on L.esri.DynamicMapLayer now identifies only visible features by default rather then all features.
  • All API requests inside of layers, tasks and services will now switch between GET and POST automatically when the request size exceeds 2000 characters. This improves IE compatibility but means that for long requests (like complex where clauses or long lists of IDs) you may need to setup an instance of and use the proxy option.


  • L.esri.Task now accepts proxy and useCors like L.esri.Service. #359
  • Esri Leaflet can now be used in Common JS (Browserify) and AMD (Dojo, RequireJS) module loaders. A Browserify example and RequireJS example are available. #355
  • Esri Leaflet installs properly via NPM #353
  • Source maps are now built and distributed along with the distribution files to aid in debugging. To learn how to use the source maps Treehouse and HTML5Rocks have excellent resources.
  • L.esri.ClusteredFeatureLayer has been moved to its own repository.
  • L.esri.HeatmapFeatureLayer has been moved to its own repository.
  • An edge case when converting ArcGIS > GeoJSON has been resolved #340
  • popupOptions are now properly persevered #348
  • setStyle now permanently overrides the style in #349
  • setWhere and setTimeRange now take callbacks. #354
  • You can now abort JSONP requests with request.abort() just like with XMLHttpRequest. #354
  • returnGeometry can now be set on L.esri.Tasks.Query #358