A script for Adobe Photoshop that aids in finding and replacing text in text layers.
- Enable the Scripts menu by opening /Applications/Utilities/Script Editor.app
- From the menubar, select Script Editor > Preferences.
- Enable the Show Script menu in menu bar check box. Then quick Script Editor.
- Create a new folder called "Photoshop" in ~/Library/Scripts/ folder.
- Copy the FindReplaceText-Helper-PsCC2017-Script.applescript file to ~/Library/Scripts/Photoshop/ folder.
- Open a Photoshop document.
- From the menu bar, select the Script menu (should be located in the upper right near the system clock).
- Choose the FindReplaceText-Helper-PsCC2017-Script item.
An application to drag and drop Photoshop files onto to aid in the finding and replacing of text in text layers.
- Download the repository.
- Open the Terminal application from /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app
- Navigate to the repository folder's "FindReplaceText-Helper Adobe Photoshop CC 2017" folder.
- Type
and press return. - This will compile the applescript into a ".app" (which is called a droplet) and place it into a new "build" folder. You can move the droplet application anywhere you prefer.
- Drag one or more Photoshop documents and drop it onto the droplet application.