Countput extends Python's Counter class from Collections to provide different styles of output and return values.
Is Counter perfect? Of course
Is the word perfecter a good one? No, it is not. It is not a good word.
Is Countput perfecter than Counter? Given the above statements, yes. Sure. It is perfecter.
The Ah Ah Ah! to Python's Counter
from Countput import Countput
word_sentence = 'a b c d e f g h i a c e g i c g'
word_list = word_sentence.split(' ')
Make a Countput object, print the output as a list of formatted count values, print the list with newlines
MyCountput = Countput(word_list)
'return_as_list of strings : ' + str(
delimiter=' - Value',
prefix='[Term: ',
suffix=' ]',
'return_as_list of strings for sort_as_list_of_strings: ' + str(
delimiter=' - Value:',
prefix='[Term: ',
suffix=" ]"
delimiter=' - Value:',
prefix='[Term: ', suffix=" ]",
header='Formatted Output with header:'
The code here does not represent work I'd submit for production code-review. Standards differ, and I have worked within many different sets, helping to establish and build on them.
Here are some elements I expect to be able to provide, if needed:
- A complete regression test suite.
- Meaningful exceptions and exception-handling coverage.
- Adequate output to permit users to understand the results, assisting in the self-documenting nature of the code.
- Actual docstring comments at all levels of the code.
- Requirements documents, user-facing documents and presentations, and other documents consistent with Agile User Stories to add value.
Download these files to corresponding folders under your Python src path.
I'll provide prereqs here.
I will provide installation steps here.
I will explain how to test the system here using the automated tests.
For now, I'd be excited to receive pull requests. I don't have rules for contributing right now.
- Erik Pohl - Initial work -
Also see the list of github contributors.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- Thanks to everyone who has motivated me to learn more.