This is a simple RESTful API for managing todo items, implemented in Go using the Fiber web framework. It provides endpoints for creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting todo items. Swagger is used for API documentation.
- Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) operations for todo items.
- Swagger UI integration for API documentation and testing.
- MongoDB for persistent storage.
Make sure you have Go installed on your system. Download Go
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
cd your-repo-name
Install the dependencies:
go mod tidy
To start the server, run:
go run main.go
The following endpoints are available:
- POST /api/todo - Create a new todo item.
- GET /api/todo - Retrieve all todo items.
- GET /api/todo/{id} - Retrieve a todo item by its ID.
- PUT /api/todo/{id} - Update a todo item by its ID.
- DELETE /api/todo/{id} - Delete a todo item by its ID.
- GET /api/todo/title/{title} - Retrieve todo items by title.
To access the Swagger UI and interact with the API, visit:
This section describes how to create a new todo item using the POST method. Each todo item requires a title and content.
- Method: POST
- Endpoint: /api/todo
- Headers:
- Content-Type: application/json
Request Body Provide the title and content for the todo item in the request body as JSON.
"title": "Sample Todo",
"content": "This is a sample todo item."
Successful Response A successful request returns the HTTP status code 201 Created and the created todo item, including its generated ID.
- Status Code: 201 Created
- Response Body:
"id": "5f6f4f4b50956f91ca8892",
"title": "Sample Todo",
"content": "This is a sample todo item."