- Reverse a string
- Factorialize a Number
- Check for Palindromes
- Find the Longest Word in a String
- Title Case a Sentence
- Return Largest Numbers in Array
- Confirm the Ending
- Repeat a string repeat a string
- Truncate a string
- Chunky Monkey
- Slasher Flick
- Mutations
- Falsy Bouncer
- Seek and Destroy
- Where do I belong
- Caesars Cipher
- Sum All Numbers in a Range
- Diff Two Arrays
- Roman Numeral Converter
- Wherefore art thou
- Search and Replace
- Pig Latin
- DNA Pairing
- Missing letters
- Boo who
- Sorted Union
- Convert HTML Entities
- Spinal Tap Case
- Sum All Odd Fibonacci Numbers
- Sum All Primes
- Smallest Common Multiple
- Finders Keepers
- Drop it
- Steamroller
- Binary Agents
- Everything Be True
- Arguments Optional
- Validate US Telephone Numbers
- Symmetric Difference
- Exact Change
- Inventory Update
- No repeats please
- Friendly Date Ranges
- Make a Person
- Map the Debris
- Pairwise
- Tribute-Page
- Portfolio-Page
- Random Qoute Machine
- Weather Api
- Wikipedia Api
- Twitch Api
- Calculator
- Pomodoro Clock
- https://codepen.io/Enigma10/pen/XMyNYq