This repository presents a possible solution to a simple car recommender system design. The solution primarily focuses on back-end software/infrastructure engineering aspects of the problem. Front-end layer is completely omitted and data science solution is rather naive (with a lot of assumptions pulled out of thin air). But it was necessary to pick some data science solution as it dictates some parts of the presented back-end tech stack (like a database and event handling...).
The solution presented here consists of:
As mentioned in the introduction, in my opinion, some data science solution had to be picked to be able to design the back-end stack.
After a quick research, I essentially ruled out using any complex ML solutions (since I don't have experience nor intuition in this domain and thus it would be too time consuming) and narrowed it down to two possible solution (ideally a hybrid of both) and ordered them based on complexity:
- Content-based filtering
- Collaborative filtering
Both solutions seems to boil down to computing some "preference" vector for the user (either based on some real feature set, in case of content-based filtering, or latent feature set, in case of collaborative filtering) and representing each car listing by a feature vector (again either based on real features or latent ones). Then the recommendations for the user are obtained by finding nearest car listing neighbours to the users "preference" vectors.
So a high level solution could look something like this
This chapter presents possible software stack and interactions between various stack components. This is by no means THE RIGHT SOLUTION, this is just A SOLUTION.
A possible product layer (i.e., components implementing recommender business logic) could look something like this. It is good to emphasize that this solution is based on many assumptions - for instance Apache Kafka could be more suitable in some cases or this could possibly be implemented without messaging...
A possible monitoring/observability solution could be based on Prometheus, Grafana and Grafana Loki, plus some custom made monitoring microservices that construct and expose some advanced matrics (that can then be collected by Prometheus and displayed on a Grafana dashboard). A production solution would probably also include some tracing solution like Sentry.
The diagram bellow presents/hints at some way how this stack could be deployed in a cloud-agnostic way. There are millions of ways how the infrastructure/deployment model could be created, all depends on various external and internal constraints.
Possible CI/CD flow: #TODO
The idea behind prototype was to implement a reasonable subset of the product stack presented in the architecture chapter.
In a nutshell the goal was:
- to have a functional API microservice that can query basic entities form the DB (User, Listing) and that can emit events about users activity.
- to have a functional vector similarity search
- to have a consumer for user activity events (i.e., content/collaborative pipelines) that then updates users preference vectors accordingly.
Unfortunately not all(/much) got accomplished :-(.
- feature vector (for cars and users) are just randomly generated vectors
- the recommender pipelines (with rmq communication) are not implemented at all
- Linux environment
- Docker
- run the prototype stack
docker compose up
- initialize/populate db with fake data
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
cd backend
- manually initialize rabbitmq (TBD...)
- open swagger ui in your browser
- obtain fake auth token (use the default user "[email protected]")
- copy the token value to the swagger ui authorize form
- get user info
- search car listings
- get details about a particular listing
- get car recommendations for the authenticated user
- install dev requirements
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
- run tests (only one module has test - and that is only because I took that code from another project I worked on)
- run pre-commit hooks (only whitespaces and ruff are executed)
pre-commit run --all-files