This library was designed to allow for correctly typed and checked reducers/actions with typescript following an FSA-like format for created actions.
Actions created using this library follow the FSA standard:
success = {
type: 'INCREMENT',
error: false,
payload: {
amount: 10,
failure = {
type: 'LOGOUT',
error: true,
payload: new Error('failed to call api'),
To make an action creator without arguments you can simply call createAction
with only a type to use:
import { createAction } from 'typesafe-redux-helpers';
const INCREMENT = createAction('INCREMENT');
// equivalent to
type: 'INCREMENT',
error: false,
To make an action creator that has a payload you can provide a second argument; a transformation function.
This function takes a single argument and the return value will be used as the payload. The output action creator will take the same argument and return an action with the transformed payload.
import { createAction } from 'typesafe-redux-helpers';
const INCREMENT = createAction('INCREMENT', (amount: number) => ({ amount }));
// equivalent to
type: 'INCREMENT',
error: false,
payload: {
amount: 10,
All actions can be created as a failure state. To access this functionality you can use
on the action creator with an Error.
import { createAction } from 'typesafe-redux-helpers';
const INCREMENT = createAction('INCREMENT', (amount: number) => ({ amount }));
const error = new Error('example error');
// equivalent to
type: 'INCREMENT',
error: true,
payload: error,
and isFailedAction
can be used to safely cast to SuccessAction and FailedAction respectively
A reducer can be created by calling createReducer(initialState)
. The State type of the reducer
is implied from the type of the initial state passed in.
import { createReducer } from 'typesafe-redux-helpers';
interface CounterState {
count: number;
error: Error | null;
const initialState = {
count: 10,
error: null,
const reducer = createReducer(initialState);
By default this reducer will not make any state changes, to do this we will need to handle
some actions using handleAction
or handleUntypedAction
.handleAction(INCREMENT, (state, action) => ({
count: state.count + action.payload.amount,
.handleAction(DECREMENT, (state, action) => ({
count: state.count - action.payload.amount,
In this example state
will be typed as CounterState
and action
will be typed as the success action from INCREMENT.
The reducer will also type check that the return value is also CounterState
When providing only a single function it will only be called for success actions, to handle failed actions you can provide a second reducer where the action is typed as the failed action from INCREMENT:
(state, action) => ({
count: action.payload.amount,
(state, action) => ({
error: action.payload,
This function works the same as handleAction
but instead of passing an action creator you instead pass a
action type string. Because of this the reducer cannot correctly type action
in the reducer but can type
and the return value correctly. It also does not check for success/failure actions separately.
createReducer(initialState).handleUntypedAction('INCREMENT', (state, action) => ({
count: action.payload.amount,
Reducers can be composed by using .forProperty('prop', childReducer)
const innerReducer = createReducer(initialInnerState)
.handleAction(STARTED_FETCHING, () => ({ isFetching: true }))
.handleAction(STOPPED_FETCHING, () => ({ isFetching: false }));
.handleAction(INCREMENT, state => ({ count: count + 1, inner: state.inner }))
.forProperty('inner', innerReducer);
The inner reducer will have every action available like every reducer and will manage the state for the single property 'inner' for this example