Experiment using emonet emotion detection and movienet-tools filme processing tools for explore the reaction of a person to a short movie.
Files in this repository:
- Emotion: notebook extracting the emotion data from the recordings
- Event: notebook extracting the event data from the short movie
- analisys: notebook with the analysis of the data
The recordings, the short movie and the emonet model are not provided with this repository, but the notebooks can be usefull to understand the processing used.
Copyright (c) 2021 Elton C. N.
Every file in this repository, except for the except for the files described below are licensed under MIT license, unsing the above copyright notice. The licenses for the following files are found next to the files.
- Event\sort.py are licensed under GPLv3, Copyright (c) 2016 SORT AUTHORS.
Made with the support of "Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico" (CNPq) of Brazil