We have prepared a very detailed documentation guide available at readthedocs. If you have any additional questions, please ask them on the discourse website.
If you use PyTomography in your own research, please cite the corresponding research paper:
Lucas A. Polson, Roberto Fedrigo, Chenguang Li, Maziar Sabouri, Obed Dzikunu, Shadab Ahamed, Nicolas Karakatsanis, Sara Kurkowska, Peyman Sheikhzadeh, Pedro Esquinas, Arman Rahmim, and Carlos Uribe. PyTomography: A python library for medical image reconstruction. SoftwareX, Volume 29, 2025, Page 102020. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S235271102400390X
This work is licensed under an MIT license, as is found in the LICENSE file.