The structure of the files inside allows you to find different implementations in the /src/ folder. There, we divide it into mpi, openmp and serial implementations.
To run the code you first need to generate data using the graph_creation/ Then you can use graph_cration/ to generate plots from the data. You need to run it locally, not on the cluster. Then copy the created graphs to /graph/
To compile the .c files, you can find the command in the respective .sh file. Then, proceed to submit a specific .sh file as a job to the cluster. To do so, run
The results will be saved in the /output/ folder.
Required plugins:
- Visual Studio Code: Remote - SSH
Connect to the SSH using Uni credentials, remember to use VPN
Afterwards press Open folder, press enter
You'll need to generate an ssh key on your cluster
Then copy it
cat ~/.ssh/
And afterwards you need to add it in your Github Settings, as a new SSH key. Clone the Git repo to your login node.
Happy committing :)
First, load the mpi on your cluster
module load mpich-3.2
Second, create executable from your c file (the last file is the source)
mpicc -g -Wall -o mpi-hello-world mpi-hello-world.c
Third, create a shell script that will allocate the memory, etc. and execute your executable on the cluster, e.g.
Then run qsub submit the shell script.
Afterwards, you can monitor using qstat.
After the job is done, run
more jobId
If you don't specify queue, it goes to the short queue
Promote files from local to the cluster (no longer needed if you use the git repo on login node)
scp program-output [email protected]:/home/elsa.lopez-perez
Build an executable on the cluster
mpicc -g -Wall -o mpi-hello-world mpi-hello-world.c
Build an executable (locally)
gcc program.c -c program-output
Submit a job on the cluster
qsub program-output
Check the job status on the cluster
qstat jobId