Plasma is a reference implementation of a sandwich-resistant AMM for the Solana blockchain.
The underlying mechanism was originally described in a post from Umbra Research.
The primary license for Plasma is the Business Source License 1.1 (BUSL-1.1), which can be found at LICENSE.
Plasma has been audited by both OtterSec and MadShield
Make sure you have Rust and Solana installed.
- Rust:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
- Solana:
sh -c "$(curl -sSfL"
For typescript, either install npm or yarn.
You should now be able to build the program and run the test validator with the loaded program:
cargo build-sbf
If this fails, you may need to add a compiler flag. See here:
To regenerate the typescript SDK, you can run the following script:
cd idl
node generateIdlAndClient.js
This will create a JSON file with the program schema as well as a rudimentary typescript client for decoding accounts and building instructions. If the script fails, you might need to install Shank and anchor-client-gen
- Shank:
cargo install shank-cli
- anchor-client-gen:
# npm
$ npm install --global anchor-client-gen
# yarn
$ yarn global add anchor-client-gen
To run the typescript tests:
- Make sure you have the test validator running
- Run the following
cd plasma-sdk
yarn # (or npm install)
yarn test # (or npm run test)
- Optionally you can also run the following script to parse the logs from the local validator
tsx examples/plasmaLogSubscribe.ts # (You can also use ts-node)