Hey, after I read the books:
"Windows Kernel Programming" by Pavel Yosifovich
"The Rootkit Arsenal: Escape and Evasion in the Dark Corners of the System 2nd Edition"
I decide to create a Kernel Rootkit for 32-bit system.
Now I'll start learning how to create a Kernel Rootkit for 64-bit!
✔️ Protect Files (Read\Write\Create\Delete\Rename\Open\Execute)
✔️ Hide Process
✔️ Protect Process, Thread
✔️ Protect Registry Keys (Open\Create\Delete\Set)
✔️ Bypass privilege checks
Windows Kernel Programming : https://www.amazon.com/Windows-Kernel-Programming-Pavel-Yosifovich/dp/1977593372
The Rootkit Arsenal 2nd Edition : https://www.amazon.com/Rootkit-Arsenal-Escape-Evasion-Corners/dp/144962636X
This project is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. You are the only responsable for your actions!