Explode Shape Layer is an After Effects Script that allow you to extract shapes from a shape layer to individual layers.
To get the script, click the link : Download the script
The usageis very simple:
- Select the layer to explode (shape layer only)
- Click the button
- Tadaaa !
Copy the .jsxbin
or .jsx
file into your After Effets' ScriptUI Panels folder:
- Windows:
Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects <version>\Support Files\Scripts\ScriptUI Panels\
- Mac OS:
Applications/Adobe After Effects <version>\Scripts\ScriptUI Panels\
Then, activate the script in AE menu : window -> explode_shape_layer
You can directly launch the script using AE menu: File -> Scripts -> Run Script File
Tested on :
- After Effects CC 2019 (version 16.1.2)
- After Effects CC 2018
- After Effects CC 2017