This project is a job search portal that allows users to search for jobs and apply for them.
The generic name job-search-portal was the initial project name. During development, the more brand-ready name Jobber was born.
Deployment should be available at: Jobber
Client: Ionic, React, Auth0
Server: TRPC, Prisma, PostgreSQL
Deployment: Docker, Compose
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd job-search-portal
Make sure, environment variables are specified
cp .env.example .env
# Edit as required
Setup database if required
# Deploy database to K8s cluster (e.g. with Docker Desktop or Minikube)
task -d postgres deploy
# Get Postgres password
task -d posgres get-pass
# Tunnel database
task -d postgres port-forward
Start the server (dependencies should be automatically installed by predev script)
# Frontend
npm run dev
# Migrate database
npm run db:migrate-dev
# Backend
npm run dev:server
To deploy this project run
docker compose up -d --build
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