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adamgoucher edited this page Apr 24, 2013 · 5 revisions
%YAML 1.2
saunter:  #or chemistrykit
     on_finish: false # default false
     on_error: true # default true
  ci_type: bamboo # or jenkins
  # 'base' is added to the produce config object at runtime

  timeout: 30 # in seconds
  executor: # to borrow webdriver lingo
     host: localhost
     port: 4444
  base_url: # everything in a script becomes relative to this

  - browser: # needs to be at leaset one
    name: firefox # what you call it
    default: true # there can be only one...
    type: firefox # what se wants to know
      enabled: true # or false
      type: browsermob # triggers extra bmp logic, else does nothing else right now
      url: http://localhost:9090 # where the proxy it
    profile: name
    saucelabs: # saunter/ckit have extra logic to read in saucelabs.yaml with the credentials
       enabled: true # or false
       os: windows 7 # which chef os
       version: 20 # browser version
       get_artifacts: # whether to fetch what
          video: true
          screenshots: false
          log: false
       selenium_version: 2.32.0 # else you get what they have on that chef
       file_server: # for file uploads or profiles with rc
  - browser:
    name: firefox2
    type: firefox

# custom section for any customer specific things they want
  thing: blah

# this is another custom section as illustration how they can capture the database info
  server: blah
  port: 9999

# same for django
  blah: blah
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