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Version 3.7.0


HockeySDK-Android implements support for using HockeyApp in your Android application.

The following features are currently supported:

  1. Collect crash reports: If your app crashes, a crash log is written to the device's storage. If the user starts the app again, they will be asked asked to submit the crash report to HockeyApp. This works for both beta and live apps, i.e. those submitted to Google Play or other app stores! Crash logs contain viable information for you to help resolve the issue. Furthermore you as a developer can add additional information to the report as well.

  2. Update Alpha/Beta apps: The app will check with HockeyApp if a new version for your alpha/beta build is available. If yes, it will show a dialog to the user and let him see the release notes, the version history and start the installation process right away. You can even force the installation of certain updates.

  3. Feedback: Besides crash reports, collecting feedback from your users from within your app is a great option to help with improving your app. You act and answer feedback directly from the HockeyApp backend.

  4. Authenticate: To help you stay in control of closed tester groups you can identify and authenticate users against your registered testers with the HockeyApp backend. The authentication feature supports several ways of authentication.

This document contains the following sections:

  1. Requirements
  2. Setup
  3. Obtain an App Identifier
  4. Get the SDK
  5. Integrate HockeySDK
  6. Add Crash Reporting
  7. Add Update Distribution
  8. Add In-App Feedback
  9. Add Authentication
  10. Changelog
  11. Advanced Setup
  12. Manual Library Dependency
  13. Crash Reporting
  14. Update Distribution
  15. In-App Feedback
  16. Strings & Localization
  17. Permissions
  18. Documentation
  19. Troubleshooting
  20. Contributing
  21. Contributor License
  22. Contact

1. Requirements

  1. We assume that you already have an Android project in Android Studio or another Android IDE.
  2. The SDK runs on devices with Android 2.3 or later, but you need to build your app with Android SDK 3.0 (Level 11) or later for the integration with HockeySDK.

2. Setup

We recommend integration of our compiled library into your project using Android Studio and Gradle. For other ways to setup the SDK, see Advanced Setup. A sample integration can be found in this GitHub repository.

Note: For initial setup it is assumed that you want to use all of HockeyApp's features such as crash reporting, update distribution, and feedback. This means your app also needs all the basic permissions. If you only want to use a subset of features and thus only need to ask for a subset of permissions, please see the permissions section of the advanced setup section.

2.1 Obtain an App Identifier

Please see the "How to create a new app" tutorial. This will provide you with an HockeyApp-specific App Identifier to be used to initialize the SDK.

2.2 Get the SDK

Add the SDK to your app module's dependencies in Android Studio by adding the following line to your dependencies { ... } configuration:

compile ''

also make sure your repository configuration contains

repositories {


repositories {

2.3 Integrate HockeySDK

  1. Open your module's build.gradle file.
  2. Add the following manifest placeholder to your configuration (typically the defaultConfig):
manifestPlaceholders = [HOCKEYAPP_APP_ID: "$APP_ID"]
  1. The param $APP_ID must be replaced by your HockeyApp App Identifier. The app identifier can be found on the app's page in the "Overview" section of the HockeyApp backend.
  2. Save your build.gradle file and make sure to trigger a Gradle build sync.
  3. Open your AndroidManifest.xml file and add a meta-data-tag for the HockeySDK.
	//your activity declarations and other stuff
	<meta-data android:name="" android:value="${HOCKEYAPP_APP_ID}" />
  1. Save your AndroidManifest.xml file.

Now that you've integrated the SDK with your project it's time to make use of its features.

2.4 Add Crash Reporting

This will add crash reporting capabilities to your app. Advanced ways to configure crash reporting are covered in Advanced Setup.

  1. Open your main activity.
  2. Add the following lines:

public class YourActivity extends Activity {
  public void onResume() {
    // ... your own onResume implementation
  private void checkForCrashes() {


When the activity is resumed, the crash manager is triggered and checks if a new crash was created before. If yes, it presents a dialog to ask the user whether they want to send the crash log to HockeyApp. On app launch the crash manager registers a new exception handler to recognize app crashes.

2.5 Add Update Distribution

This will add the in-app update mechanism to your app. For more configuration options of the update manager module see Advanced Setup.

  1. Open the activity where you want to inform the user about eventual updates. We'll assume you want to do this on startup of your main activity.
  2. Add the following lines and make sure to always balance register(...) calls to SDK managers with unregister() calls in the corresponding lifecycle callbacks:

public class YourActivity extends Activity {
  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // Your own code to create the view
    // ...

  private void checkForUpdates() {
    // Remove this for store builds!
  private void unregisterManagers() {

  public void onPause() {
  public void onDestroy() {


When the activity is created, the update manager checks for new updates in the background. If it finds a new update, an alert dialog is shown and if the user presses Show, they will be taken to the update activity. The reason to only do this once upon creation is that the update check causes network traffic and therefore potential costs for your users.

2.6 Add In-App Feedback

This will add the ability for your users to provide feedback from right inside your app. Detailed configuration options are in Advanced Setup.

  1. You'll typically only want to show the feedback interface upon user interaction, for this example we assume you have a button feedback_button in your view for this.
  2. Add the following lines to your respective activity, handling the touch events and showing the feedback interface:

public class YourActivity extends Activitiy {

  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // Your own code to create the view
    // ...


    Button feedbackButton = (Button) findViewById(;
    feedbackButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {

When the user taps on the feedback button it will launch the feedback interface of the HockeySDK, where the user can create a new feedback discussion, add screenshots or other files for reference, and act on their previous feedback conversations.

2.7 Add Authentication

You can force authentication of your users through the LoginManager class. This will show a login screen to users if they are not fully authenticated to protect your app.

  1. Retrieve your app secret from the HockeyApp backend. You can find this on the app details page in the backend right next to the "App ID" value. Click "Show" to access it.
  2. Open the activity you want to protect, if you want to protect all of your app this will be your main activity.
  3. Add the following lines to this activity:

public class YourActivity extends Activity {
  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // Your own code to create the view
    // ...

    LoginManager.register(this, APP_SECRET, LoginManager.LOGIN_MODE_EMAIL_PASSWORD);
    LoginManager.verifyLogin(this, getIntent());

Make sure to replace APP_SECRET with the value retrieved in step 1. This will launch the login activity every time a user launches your app.

3. Changelog

You can access the full changelog in our releases-section. The following paragraphs contain information what you might need to change when upgrading to the different new versions.

3.1 Upgrading from 3.6.x to 3.7.0

  1. We didn't introduce any breaking changes, except that we have raised the minimum API level to 9.
  2. Also consider switching to our new register-calls and adding your app id to your configuration as described above.
  3. The Strings class for overriding SDK strings has been removed in favor of resource merging. See our section on Strings & Localizations for more details.
  4. If you integrate the SDK using Gradle, you can remove the previously required activities from your manifest file:
 <!-- HockeySDK Activities – no longer required as of 3.7.0! -->
 <activity android:name="" />
 <activity android:name="" />
 <activity android:name="" />
  1. Permissions get automatically merged into your manifest. If your app does not use update distribution you might consider removing the permission WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - see the advanced permissions section for details.

4. Advanced Setup

4.1 Manual Library Dependency

If you don't want to use Gradle or Maven dependency management you can also download and add the library manually. The easiest way to do this is using Android Studio.

  1. Download the latest release from here.
  2. Unzip the release distribution.
  3. Copy the file libs/HockeySDK-$version.aar to the libs folder of your Android project. ($version is the version of the downloaded SDK, if the version is < 3.7.0 it will be a .jar file instead)
  4. Configure your development tools to use the .aar/.jar file.
  5. In Android Studio, create a new module via File > New > New Module
  6. Select Import .JAR/.AAR Package and click Next.
  7. In the next menu select the .aar/.jar file you just copied to the libs folder. You can rename the module to whatever you want, but we in general recommend leaving it as is. If you don't rename the module, it will match the name of the .aar/.jar file, in this case HockeySDK-3.7.0. This way you'll quickly know which version of the SDK you are using in the future.
  8. Make sure Android Studio added the necessary code to integrate the HockeySDK:

Head over to your app's build.gradle to verify the dependency was added correctly. It should look like this:

dependencies {
	//your other dependencies
    compile project(':HockeySDK-3.7.0')

Next, make sure your settings.gradle contains the new module:

include ':app', ':HockeySDK-3.7.0'

Finally, check the build.gradle of the newly added module:

artifacts.add("default", file('HockeySDK-3.7.0.aar'))

Once you have verified that everything necessary has been added, proceed with SDK integration.

4.2 Crash Reporting

The following options show only some of the many possibilities to interact and fine-tune the crash reporting feature. For more please check the full documentation of the classes and in our documentation.

To configure a custom CrashManagerListener use the following register() method when configuring the manager:

  CrashManager.register(context, APP_ID, new MyCustomCrashManagerListener());

4.2.1 Autosend crash reports

Crashes are usually sent the next time the app starts. If your custom crash manager listener returns true for shouldAutoUploadCrashes(), crashes will be sent without any user interaction, otherwise a dialog will appear allowing the user to decide whether they want to send the report or not.

public class MyCustomCrashManagerListener extends CrashManagerListener {
  public boolean shouldAutoUploadCrashes() {
    return true;

4.2.2 Attach additional meta data

Starting with HockeyApp 3.6.0, you can add additional meta data (e.g. user-provided information) to a crash report. To achieve this call CrashManager.handleUserInput() and provide an instance of

4.3 Update Distribution

You can customize the behavior of the in-app update process in several ways. The main class to look at is in our documentation.

To configure a custom UpdateManagerListener use the following register() method when configuring the manager:

  UpdateManager.register(context, APP_ID, new MyCustomUpdateManagerListener());

4.3.1 Providing your own user interface for the update process

The UpdateManager will select a suitable activity or fragment depending on the availability of the feature. You can also supply your own by overriding the respective methods getUpdateActivityClass() and getUpdateFragmentClass() in your UpdateManagerListener subclass.

4.4 In-App Feedback

As stated in the setup guide you'll typically want to show the feedback interface from an onClick, onMenuItemSelected, or onOptionsItemSelected listener method.

4.4.1 Capturing a screenshot for feedback

You can configure a notification to show to the user. When they select the notification the SDK will create a screenshot from the app in its current state and create a new feedback draft from it.

  1. Open the activity from which you want to enable the screenshot.
  2. Add this to your onCreate() method or an onClick() listener:

4.5 Strings & Localization

HockeySDK for Android comes with English, French, and German localizations of all user interface strings. If you want to add further localizations or override certain strings to suit your app's user interface, you can simply override them and resource merging takes care of the rest.

Our base strings resource file is located in hockeysdk/src/main/res/values/strings.xml. If your app overrides any of these strings in its strings.xml file, the overridden strings will be used in your app.

In case you want to add a localization, please also consider creating a pull request.

4.6 Permissions

HockeySDK requires some permissions to be granted for its operation. These are:

  • android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: Required to verify if network connectivity is available, as a preliminary measure before sending crash reports, checking for updates, and transmitting feedback.
  • android.permission.INTERNET: Required to actually transmit data to HockeyApp's servers for crash reports, update distribution and feedback.
  • android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Required for downloading app updates to a location that is reachable by the Android package installer which takes care of update installation.

HockeyApp registers these permissions with your app's AndroidManifest.xml through manifest merging. By default, all three permissions get added to your app's manifest file.

4.6.1 Removing external storage permission

If your app does not require access to external storage – for example if it doesn't use HockeyApp's update distribution – you might want to remove the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE-permission since it might not be needed by your app. To perform this, use a remove instruction for manifest merging:

  1. Open your AndroidManifest.xml file.
  2. Add the tools-namespace to the root element if not already present:
<manifest xmlns:android=""
    xmlns:tools="" …>
  1. Add the remove instruction for the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE-permission after the other permissions:
        tools:node="remove" />
  1. Build your app.

The crucial part in this is the tools:node="remove"-part which will make sure the complete node will get removed from the resulting manifest file.

Note: If you later decide to use update distribution or any of your apps' dependencies requires write access to external storage, you will have to revert this change.

5. Documentation

Our documentation can be found on HockeyApp.


  1. Check if the APP_ID matches the App ID in HockeyApp.

  2. Check if the applicationId in your build.gradle file matches the Bundle Identifier of the app in HockeyApp. HockeyApp accepts crashes only if both the App ID and the bundle identifier match their corresponding values in your app. Please note that the package value in your AndroidManifest.xml file might differ from the bundle identifier.

  3. If your app crashes and you start it again, does the dialog show up which asks the user to send the crash report? If not, please crash your app again, then connect the debugger and set a break point in, method register to see why the dialog is not shown.

  4. If it still does not work, please contact us.

7. Contributing

We're looking forward to your contributions via pull requests.

Coding style

  • Please follow our coding styleguide
  • Every check in should build and lint without errors

Development environment

8. Contributor License

You must sign a Contributor License Agreement before submitting your pull request. To complete the Contributor License Agreement (CLA), you will need to submit a request via the form and then electronically sign the CLA when you receive the email containing the link to the document. You need to sign the CLA only once to cover submission to any Microsoft OSS project.

9. Contact

If you have further questions or are running into trouble that cannot be resolved by any of the steps here, feel free to open a GitHub issue here or contact us at [email protected]


The official Android SDK for the HockeyApp service







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