Created Sphinx documentation of usage and API at (#88 ).
New command line tools added with documentation (#163 ).
Added support for reading QCD-format structure files (#137 ).
Added versioneer support for versioning (#104 ).
Made several APBS tools available as PDB2PQR scripts: dx2cube
(#98 ), inputgen
(#105 ), psize
(#106 ).
Added code of conduct document (#62 ).
Fixed faulty no-op logic in debumping routines (#162 ).
Fixed problem with element type in PDB output (#159 ).
Updated very out-of-date change log (#153 ).
Fixed atom-ordering problem in PDB output (#134 ).
Fixed REDVAT PDB record parsing (#119 ).
Fixed broken --apbs-input
option (#94 ).
Fixed OS-specific file handing (#78 ).
PDB2PKA is still removed from the code base while refactoring for a code base that is more friendly to multiple platforms.
Added Python 3.9 to testing (#161 ).
Enabled additional PROPKA output (#143 ).
Moved mmCIF support to external module mmcif-pdbx
(#135 ).
Added formal PQR parser (#97 ).
Made failure due to missing backbone atoms more graceful (#95 ).
Moved some logging output from stdout/stderr to files (#74 ).
Increased testing (#70 , #73 ).
Continued de-linting and refactoring (#56 , #122 ).
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