A telegram bot that evaluates DOTA2 matches of people and notifies about their results.
- Copy the
- Find your Steam32 ID with this website and update your name
- Create a new bot with the @botfather
- Find out your corresponding chat ID, e.g. @userinfobot
- Update
with all the information.
Change the two variables bot_token
and chat_id
in bot.py
Instead of using inline environment variables you can use a .env
file in
pip install .
bot_token="<bot_token>" chat_id="<chat_id>" run_bot
pip install .
cd src
set bot_token="<bot_token>"
set chat_id="<chat_id>"
docker rm sili-bot
docker build -t sili-bot --build-arg bot_token="<BOT_TOKEN>" --build-arg chat_id="<CHAT_ID>" .
docker run --name sili-bot sili-bot
Or, if the secrets are already contained in config.json
docker rm sili-bot
docker build -t sili-bot .
docker run --name sili-bot sili-bot
By default, the container incorporates the state of resources/dynamic
build time, but does not have persistence. As a consequence, the bot might
re-send match summaries after a restart. To mitigate this, use a volume
for the dynamic resources. This decouples the containers state from the build
repo's and adds persistence:
docker run --mount source=silibotvolume,target=/bot/resources/dynamic --name sili-bot -d sili-bot
The bot has the capability for inline response search (see
https://core.telegram.org/bots/inline for more information). To enable this,
send /setinline
to the botfather and, when prompred, set the placeholder
message along the lines of "Search for responses...".