##The bestest branching chat app ever made
We decrease the number of notifications in a group chat by allowing users to respond and receive messages for only the messages and topics they are interested in. Users will create a new chat window by clicking on a message, at which point a new chat window will appear to continue the conversation. Users who are not interested in the conversation will not receive any notifications for that specfic chat branch.
- Chat functionality with sockets
- Visualization to show users which chat branch they are currently in
- If a message is starting to gain lots of attention, spawn a new banner to notify all users that a topic is catching on fire. Maybe measure it with messages per minute.
- Testing, front end/ back end
- React
- Express
- Node
- PostgreSQL
##tl;dr Check out how we structured our database to see how we wanted the app to function. Feel free to structure the front end how you want.