Version 1.2.0 on 2019 May 15
This is the fully-functional demo project to along with the R package epidemiar for creating short-term forecast reports of environmentally-mediated diseases.
This version of epidemiar-demo needs epidemiar version 1.4.0 or higher:
We recommend to start with the guides in epidemiar-demo/documentation and the vignettes in epidemiar.
Happy forecasting!
Updates from v1.1.0:
Background: epidemiar::run_epidemiar() version 1.4.0 now allows for runs to only create a model (regression object and metadata, and also to feed a model back in (thus skipping the processing of generating a model on each run).
This new version of epidemiar-demo has a script to create and save a model, and a modified run script to use the latest model available. See documentation/walkthrough.pdf for more details.