Based off the work by Matt Willsher @ mattwillsher/ansible-product-playbooks
======== This ansible role performs a basic install of Jira & Confluence. The following variables are required:
- product - provide as a playbook parameter variable and set to the product to install e.g. jira, confluence e.g.
- include: atlassian/install_product.yml product=jira
Other variables need to be set:
- database_server - the IP address of the DB server to use. Current only localhost is tested
- version - the version to install e.g. 6.3.15
- rmiPort - Port to run RMI on e.g. 8005
- httpPort - Port to listen for HTTP requests on e.g 8080
The generated database password will be stored in ../../$client_shortname/credentials/jira/database