Requires Alliance Auth to Function.
- Authenticates Connecting users against the Alliance Auth Database.
- Can provide EVE Avatars to Mumbles Texture feature for use in overlays
If enabled, textures are automatically set as player's EvE avatar for use on overlay.
avatar_enable = False
An AFK or Idle handler to move people to a set "AFK" Channel
Enable the Feature
enabled = False
Mumble idlesecs Threshold (Seconds) until a user is considered Idle,
time = 3600
Interval(Seconds) to run the Idler Handler at
interval = 60
Channel to move Idlers to
channel = 1
Idle Handler Ignore or Allowlist, only one of the two can be functional
denylist = []
allowlist = []
Mumble Authenticator can now be used as a Docker container.
This container must share a Docker network with the Auth Database and Mumble, or must otherwise be linked to those containers.
By default when running dockerized the ICE client side port will bind to the interface. This can be controlled with the MUMBLE_AUTH_ICE_ENDPOINT environment variable or secret file.
Both MUMBLE_AUTH_* environment variables and secret files are supported to configure the authenticator process.
Example envfile:
A healthcheck script
can be used to monitor the health of your auth process.
The healthcheck script can either load its parameters from the authenticator.ini config or from its command line arguments.
MUMBLE_AUTH_HEALTH_USERNAME, and MUMBLE_AUTH_HEALTH_PASSWORD will set the appropriate configuration with Docker. Otherwise, see
python --help
for command line arguments.
This healthcheck requires at a valid username that is listed in Auth MumbleUsers. However, the password is optional unless you wish to check password verification instead of just user existence.
NOTE: The user must not exist in the Murmur server database otherwise the healthcheck will give a false positive.