- Just install emi-indo-cordova-plugin-admob
- Because UMP SDK 2.1.0 is already in emi-indo-cordova-plugin-admob
AdMob Consent for emi-indo-cordova-plugin-admob
Configure your messages under the Privacy & messaging
cordova plugin add emi-indo-cordova-plugin-consent
cordova plugin add emi-indo-cordova-plugin-admob
cordova plugin rm emi-indo-cordova-plugin-consent
let _getConsentRequest = () => {
setTagForUnderAgeOfConsent = false, // boolean
(status) => { alert(status) }, // check event code
(error) => { alert(error)
// call _getConsentRequest();
- You should also call cordova.plugins.emiAdmobPlugin.consentReset(); if you decide to remove the UMP SDK completely from your project.
let _consentReset = () => {
// call _consentReset();
document.addEventListener('onConsentInfoUpdateSuccess', () => {
alert("on Consent Info Update Success");
document.addEventListener('onConsentInfoUpdateFailure', () => {
alert("on Consen Info Update Failure");
// https://developers.google.com/admob/android/privacy/api/reference/com/google/android/ump/ConsentInformation.ConsentStatus
document.addEventListener('on.ConsentStatus.NOT_REQUIRED', () => {
// Constant Value: 1
alert("User consent not required.");
document.addEventListener('on.ConsentStatus.OBTAINED', () => {
// Constant Value: 3
alert("User consent obtained. Personalized vs non-personalized undefined.");
document.addEventListener('on.ConsentStatus.REQUIRED', () => {
// Constant Value: 2
// is Consent Form Available = the code auto, load Consent Form and consent Form show.
alert("User consent required but not yet obtained.");
document.addEventListener('on.ConsentStatus.UNKNOWN', () => {
//Constant Value: 0
alert("Consent status is unknown.");
document.addEventListener('on.loadConsentFormError', () => {
alert("on load Consent Form Error");
document.addEventListener('on.ConsentFormNotAvailable', () => {
alert("on Consent Form Not Available");