Ian Broderick ([email protected]) - Database Specialist Gabe Maze-Rogers ([email protected]) - Software Architect Paul Hoang ([email protected]) - Database Specialist Kevin Groarke ([email protected]) - Software Developer Kurt Lang ([email protected]) - Senior Systems Analyst Dylan McNamara ([email protected]) - Project Manager Timmy Ngo ([email protected]) - Algorithms Specialist Michelle Bui ([email protected]) - User Interface Speialist Sean Ippolito ([email protected]) - Business Analyst
Angularjs Parse.com Boilerplate
- AngularJS
- Bootstrap3
- Gulp
- Livereload
npm install
Edit the config/global.json file to write the configuration of your Parse.com project in order to use the Parse's CLI. Edit the src-public/app.coffee file to replace the ParseProvider keys.
npm run-script watch
Access to the application at this address: localhost:8000 (previous ip: The livereload update your browser each time you change source files.
The Frontend source files are into the src-public directory and compile to the public directory. The Backend source files are into the src-cloud directory and compile to the cloud directory.
npm run-script deploy-parse
#If you are having trouble with this, I have found that this also works: 'npm run-script watch' 'parse deploy' (For some reason, it only works when I do the run-script command first)
You can also deploy the frontend on the Github Pages of your repo by launching this command:
npm run-script deploy-github
Licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.