I have a problem, ok. I know I do.
This is yet another *fetch program, this time in clojure.
Cause why not.
$ lein run -- help
general fields:
D display device name
d display distro
e display editor (requires $EDITOR to be set)
g display gpu (requires lspci and grep)
h display hostname
k display kernel
s display shell
U display user
u display uptime
help display help
package counts:
p portage (requires qlist until I can figure out globbing)
$ lein run -- DdeghkpsUu
Device: OptiPlex 7010
Distro: Gentoo
Editor: /usr/bin/emacsclient
GPU: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Oland [Radeon HD 8570 / R7 240/340 OEM] (rev 87)
Hostname: gentoo
Kernel: 5.4.52
Packages 592 (portage)
Shell: /bin/bash
User: valley
Uptime: 16h 36m