Linux customization files
This repository contains my dotfiles for my prefered Linux customization. There is a vim color scheme (Brogrammer), which is a modified version of marciomazza's port of the Sublime Text Brogrammer Theme. There also is a tmux configuration to make tmux look nicer. I use various plugins (which are listed below) for both vim and tmux to make my experience better. I also include my customizations for i3 and termite, however as not everyone uses those, they are not included in the setup script.
There is a
script that will create symlinks to my vim, tmux, and
bash customization files. NOTE: running this script will remove any of the
files that I will symlink to my files, so please backup anything that you
may want before running.
To run the script, simply call it from the command line from this directory
For vim, I use the following plugins
- vim-flake8 (
- YouCompleteMe (
For tmux, I use the following plugins
- tmux-resurrect (