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What is SureAliveD?

SureAliveD is a very effective LVS service tester that is meant to replace keepalived (but not VRRP). Application is actually two separated programs:

  • surealived - tester,
  • ipvssync - kernel ipvs table synchroniser.


  • epoll based
  • extensible xml based configuration (module specific)
  • real service testers are dynamically loaded modules
  • currently tcp, http, dns, exec and no-test (virtual tester)tester are implemented
  • transparent ssl
  • surealived restart enforces full ipvs sync
  • configuration for ipvssync is saved at start and every minute as main file (ipvssync.cfg), changes are saved in special diffs files
  • tests startup are spread in time, decreasing connecting impact and cpu usage
  • you can write your own tester for a specified service (see http tester how to do that)
  • you can check your config file before you try to restart surealived (-t option)


To compile application need development tools and libraries:

  • gcc
  • cmake
  • libxml2-dev
  • libssl-dev
  • libpackagekit-glib2-dev
  • liblua5.1-0-dev

From src directory (from root account):

mkdir build  
cd build
cmake ..
make           # to biuld binaries or
make package   # to build deb package

SureAliveD can be executed as non-root, but you need to set appropriate grants for such a user. You need following directories created:


Main configuration

  • surealived uses configuration files:

    • /etc/surealived/surealived.cfg - main configuration file,
    • xml configuration (set as argument) - test definition
  • ipvssync uses only /etc/surealived/surealived.cfg

surealived XML configuration file

As an example let's take following config:


<virtual name="onet" addr="" port="80" proto="tcp" sched="wrr" rt="dr">
  <tester loopdelay="1" timeout="2" retries2fail="1" retries2ok="1"
          proto="http" testport="80" url="/" host="" />
  <real name="sg" addr="" port="80" weight="10"/>

  • virtual attributes:

    • name="string" [mandatory] (max 31 chars)
    • addr="ip" [mandatory if attribute fwmark is not set, if fwmark is set "" will be used]
    • port="int16" [0<=port<=65535, mandatory if fwmark is not set, otherwise "0"]
    • proto="tcp|udp|fwmark" [mandatory]
    • sched="string" [mandatory] (such ipvs scheduler will be used)
    • rt="dr|masq|tun" [mandatory]
    • fwmark="int" [optional, if > 0 proto="fwmark" should be set]
    • pers="int" [optional, for persistent connections - this is timeout value]
  • tester attributes:

    • loopdelay="int" [optional, default 3] - defines delay in seconds between next testing loop for this virtual
    • timeout="int" [optional, default 5] - each real server must completly respond in this time]
    • retries2ok="int" [optional, default 1] - how much tests must succeed to treat real as online
    • retries2fail="int" [optional, default 1] - how much tests must fail to treat real as offline
    • remove_on_fail="0|1" [optional, default 0 (false)] - if true and real is offline remove it from ipvs
    • debugcomm="0|1" [optional, default 0 (false)] - enable dumping communication details for reals
    • logmicro="0|1"} [optional, default 0 (false)] - do use microseconds resolution while saving the statistics
    • proto="string" [mandatory] - which module is used as tester module
    • testport="int" [mandatory] - which port is tested (can be differ than real port)
    • SSL="0|1" [optional, default 0 - no ssl

    *** other attributes are parsed individual by module specification ***

Implemented testers:


tester attributes:

  • url="string" [mandatory] (max BUFSIZ length, 8192 bytes)
  • host="string" [mandatory]
  • naive="0|1" [optional], only response code is read in module and compared to retcode
  • retcode="string" [optional, default "200"]

dns tester attributes:

  • request="string" [mandatory], domain for which soa will be checked

No additional attributes are required for this tester.




All hosts in this tester are treated as ONLINE always

  • real attributes
    • name="string" [mandatory, max 31 bytes].
    • addr="ip" [mandatory],
    • port="int16" [mandatory]
    • weight="int" [mandatory]
    • uthresh="int" [optional]
    • lthresh="int" [optional]
    • testport="int16" [optional, override tester "testport" attribute]
    • rt="string" [optional, override tester "rt" attribute]

Runtime weight balancing and rstate management

surealived listens at port 1337 by default, you can currently do two important tasks:

  • change weight: by setting absolute value or percent of configuration weight. If you'll have weight=20 and you'll set rweight=1% you'll get... 1. We deceide to do that when we want to add a real server which is cache for something and we want to increase its weight depends on cache fill.

  • change rstate to: a) DOWN - will remove a real from ipvs b) OFFLINE - will set real weight to 0 c) ONLINE - will bring real to configuration value IF online == ONLINE, otherwise host will be evaluated by (online, remove_on_fail)

To manage real weight you can use commands:

 printf "vlist\n" | nc -q 1 localhost 1337
. vname=onet vproto=tcp vaddr= vport=80 vfwmark=0 vrt=dr vsched=wrr
. vname=wp vproto=tcp vaddr= vport=80 vfwmark=0 vrt=dr vsched=wrr

 printf "rlist vproto=tcp vaddr= vport=80\n" | nc -q 1 localhost 1337
. raddr= rport=80 currwgt=11 confwgt=11 ronline=TRUE rstate=ONLINE

 printf "rset vproto=tcp vaddr= vport=80 raddr= rport=80 rstate=OFFLINE\n" | nc -q 1 localhost 1337
et: rstate=OFFLINE, weight=-1, inpercent=FALSE

 printf "rlist vproto=tcp vaddr= vport=80\n" | nc -q 1 localhost 1337
. raddr= rport=80 currwgt=0 confwgt=11 ronline=TRUE rstate=OFFLINE

 printf "stats\n" | nc -q 1 localhost 1337
.. useful statistics here ... 

See and try example xml files in examples directory.

Suggested startup when you don't wont to daemonize:

surealived -vvv ./examples/onetwp.xml

This will create /var/lib/surealived/ipvsfull.cfg file which is mandatory for ipvssync. ipvsfull.reload will also be created which enforces ipvssync to reload configuration.

ipvssync -vvvv -u  

This gives you a lot of debug information (-vvvv) and delete unmanaged virtuals.


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