- Python script to estimate coefficients for multilinear regression using gradient descent algorithm.
- Linear regression implemented from scratch.
- Using simulated data of job prospects given AI and machine learning skills.
y is the target,
W is a vector of parameter (weights) to be estimated.
X is a matrix of 1's and K feature weights and N data points of given inputs
and is a vector of estimation errors denoted
- The loss function chosen is minimum mean square error given by:
- With partial derivatives
- With weight updates given by:
python mulitpleLinearRegression.py
======================================================================= MULTI LINEAR REGRESSION USING GRADIENT DESCENT TERMINATION RESULTS ======================================================================= Initial Weights were: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0. With initial cost: 3281.9. # Iterations: 2,500,000. Final weights: w0:+24.94, w1:+0.32, w2:+0.483. Final cost: +8.1. RMSE: +4.0, R-Squared: +0.7 ======================================================================= Finished
Python (>2.7), Numpy and Pandas.