Hi 👋 My name is Donovan Andrews
Software Engineer Full-stack software engineer with three years of experience who loves solving problems and building concise software that gets the job done.
My projects are hosted on Render, a platform that simplifies deploying web applications and services(Similar to Heroku but better free tier). Please note that while the user interface may load quickly, there might be a slight delay (2mins) for the server to initialize and respond on the first request. This is due to the tier of service I'm using currently with Render not because of any performance issues. I appreciate your patience as the applications gets up and running!/
- 🔭 I’m currently working on(Personal Projects or Freelancing)
- 🌱 I’m currently learning ...(AWS services, cloud-based architecture)
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on ...(Anything!)
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with ...(Any projects I'm working on currently)
- ⚡ Fun facts(I'm a huge coffee nerd, I've practices many different martial arts over the years, and I'm a voracious reader) -->