MTG Life counter and game assist circuit powered by Arduino ESP32 Nano
- Arduino ESP32 Nano
- I2C Multiplexer for multiple OLEDs with hardcoded address
- Various buttons
- Passive buzzer
- 124x32 sd_1306 OLED screens
- Wire
- Adafruit_GFX
- Adafruit_SSD1306
- pitches
- Wifi
- AsyncTCP
- ESPAsyncWebServer
- Track and display life of 2 players
- Track and display player names
- Randomized roll-off with animation for first player
- Async Webserver to reset player/game state
- Reset player state button
- Increment/decrement health buttons for each player
- Jingle on reset
- Display death screen animation and jingle
- Can select game mode (ex. commander vs standard)
- First turn randomizer
- Game start/reset graphic and music
- Functionality for up to 4 players
- Track commander damage taken separately
- Improved graphics, animations, and displays