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SIT Messenger Backend

SIT Messenger is a fully encrypted chat application. SIT Messenger Backed is Docker Compose application with Django Rest Framework. Api Client Application is SIT Messenger Frontend.

Project is deployed on page

Installation and usage in production

  1. Clone repo
  2. Install docker-compose
  3. Build images
docker-compose build
  1. Run containers
docker-compose up
  1. application will be available on ports 80 (http) adn 443 (htpps)

Installation and usage in development

1-2 same as in production

  1. Build images
docker-compose -f build
  1. Run containers
docker-compose -f up
  1. application will be available http://localhost:8000/

Application structure

Application component are packed inside docker-compose. Inside docker there are several linked services as separate containers:

  • nginx

    A web server, used for the purpose of reverse proxy, load balancer (jointly with Gunicorn in "web" container, later in the text), and parse HTTPS protocol (jointly with "certbot" container )
  • certbot

    A software tool for automatically using Let’s Encrypt certificates on manually-administrated websites to enable HTTPS
  • web

    The Main container with Django Rest Framework application. This container is collection of application organised to manage encrypted data hosted in storage, data from a database, integrate applications n from other contenders and finally parse Rest API as entry point
  • db

    A Postgres relational database.
  • redis

    An in-memory data structure store used to store cache
  • rabbitmq

    A message-broker used by celery_worker container.
  • celery_worker

    An asynchronous task and job queue. Celery worker mange caches by distributed message passing. Celery worker use " redis" container ad storage and "rabbitmq" container as message-broker
  • celery_beat

    A specific usage of celery to manage recurring job queue in given time intervals.
  • flower.

    A web based tool for monitoring and administrating Celery clusters.

Data encryption:

  • chats (which contain messages) are store as models.FileField where chats are stored as encrypted binary files and database store location to file
  • everytime messages are saved to/read from storage, data is encrypted / decrypted by individual (for each chat). Cryptography is held under Fernet protocol provided by Cryptography framework Cryptography Framework.
  • It is not completed in this version but there are complited snipets inside aplication to provide encryption by tokens that base on, individual uudi created and stored on client side and salt created and stored on Django application. Lack of implementation is caused by the limitation of "SIT Messenger Frontend" the JavaScript client of Rest API SIT Messenger Frontend


👤 Kamil Marczak

ForTheBadge built-with-swag

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