Docket is a command-line (CLI) application that lets you manage your tasks. Generally, docket means a list of cases/tasks for trial.
Install python (python3 recommanded) --> you can install python using following link
Terminal / command prompt/ Windows PowerShell
-> Fork this repository
-> Open your git bash in an empty folder. -> Clone this repository or run the following command in git bash
git clone
-> On your machine, you should notice a folder called "Docket."
-> Once the repository has been cloned in your system, open the command prompt/window powershell and navigate to the folder where you cloned this repo. To open the desired location in command prompt/window powershell, type the following command.
cd \Loation\Docket\
-> Cheers! You can now use docket, run the programme, and have fun!!
Docket app should be execute by running the following command from the terminal.
On Windows:
On linux:
The app should read from and write to a task.txt text file.
Completed task are writted to a completed.txt file.
1. Use add
command to add a task.
./docket add "Hello World!"
Added task: Hello World!
2. Use ls
command to get list of pending items.
./docket ls
1. Hello World!
3. Use del INDEX
command to delete incomplete item using its index.
./docket del 1
Deleted item with index 1
4. Use done INDEX
command to mark pending item as completed.
./docket done 1
Marked item as done.
5. Use help
command for help. This command will show you all the commands and their uses.
./docket help
6. Use report
command to display full report/status of your docket.
./docket report
Pending tasks:0 \n Completed tasks:1
Create your own docket. Read more information about project on my dev post or Tealfeed.