It is a web-app that has an interface which lets one add their daily tasks. From doing breakfast to getting at your desk to study, it schedules it all.
- It also has several other features like setting the priority of tasks as important.
- You also can mark the tasks as done, deleting the tasks, updating them as and when you require.
- The app sends email notifications as well for the upcoming tasks as required by you.
- It is very simple to use and setup for anyone.
You can directly download the project or clone it using:
- Navigate to the Sticky-Notes-App folder.
- Run
npm install
to install node modules.
Set up a local mongodb server or setup your own mongodb atlas free account following the given link:
Enter mlab uri, mail password and port on which you wish to run your express server.
Run npm start
on your system to get the application running.
In order to be free from all the above stuff and experience a great and easy to use app, one can deploy it on heroku as well following this awesome article, I found on medium: