This Neovim configuration is designed for a personalized and efficient coding experience. It is written in Lua and based on NvChad, offering features such as auto-formatting on save, language server support for JavaScript, TypeScript, React, and Tailwind CSS integration.
- Auto-formatting on Save: Ensure code consistency by automatically formatting code on save.
- Language Server Support: Intelligent code completion and error checking for JavaScript, TypeScript, and React.
- Tailwind CSS Integration: Support for Tailwind CSS development.
Before you start, make sure you have the following installed:
- Neovim (nightly version recommended)
- Node.js (for JavaScript and TypeScript support)
, and other necessary language tools globally installed.
Clone Repository:
git clone ~/.config/nvim
Mason will automatically install all the required plugins when you open Neovim.
Open Neovim:
Enjoy Coding:
Start coding with the enhanced features and configurations.
Feel free to customize the configuration according to your preferences. Edit the ./lua/custom/plugins.lua
file to add or modify settings. Explore Neovim documentation for more customization options.
This configuration includes the following plugins:
- NvChad: The base configuration for Neovim.
- nvim-lspconfig: A plugin for configuring language servers.
Feel free to explore and add more plugins to suit your needs.
Contributions are welcome! If you have improvements or additional features to suggest, please create a pull request.
This Neovim configuration is open-source and available under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Feel free to use and modify it according to your needs.