This board is designed to measure TVOC (Total Volatile Organic Compounds), eCO2(Estimated Concentration of Carbon Dioxide) and calculate AQI (Air Quality Index) of the ambient arround.
It's a very simple design, it was designed with the intetion of testing ENS160 + AHT21 module. In the end AHT21 sensor is not used because ENS160 has a heater and influences temperature readings, values are about 5 degrees higher then they shoud be.
At the moment the LVGL interface only shows eCO2 and AQI values, there is no information about TVOC, Wi-Fi and MQTT status.
It supports Home Assistant via HA MQTT Auto Discovery, there is no need to integrate this device via web interface or yaml code, it's a faster solution to integrate devices. The microcontroller sends TVOC, eCO2 and AQI values, and also a "On" message. Values are send every 15 seconds and if there is no value recevied 35 seconds after the last, HA assumes that the device is offline.
The schematic is designed arround ESP32-S2 Mini Board, LCD connects via SPI and ENS160 with I²C. Board can be powered with 5V from USB connector or via ESP32-S2 Mini Board USB connector. The AJ38 module step downs the voltage to 3.3V, and powers the components. A buzzer was added but at the moment is not in use.
This PCB has a very simple design, it's a 1.6 mm board with 2 copper layers, both connect to GND. Next version should have a better design, the microcontroller must be at one edge, or the GND pour needs to be removed under, it's a good practice when there is an antenna.
Every line of code contains a commentary. Some libraries need a few changes.
Configuration for User_Setup.h (TFT_eSPI Library)
#define ST7735_DRIVER
#define TFT_WIDTH 160
#define TFT_HEIGHT 128
#define TFT_MOSI 35
#define TFT_SCLK 36
#define TFT_CS 34
#define TFT_DC 33
#define TFT_RST 18
Configuration for lv_conf.h (lvgl Library)
#if 1
#define LV_TICK_CUSTOM 1
- No I²C Pull-Up (Sometimes module is not detected)
- ESP32-S2 need serial in other to work (Without module not works)
- Mounting Holes connected to GND
- Better hardware design
- Other sensor to compare
- ESP32-S3 WROOM (No more boards)
- New LVGL interface
- Add restart button via Home Assistant
- Maybe LCD without the module
- Control LCD led backlight with a mosfet/transistor