IMPORTANT: don't run the tests in a production WordPress site, database is deleted and recreated on each test run. Create a new database and a fresh WordPress installation to run the tests on.
suites: integration, functional, acceptance
- vendor/bin/wpcept run
- vendor/bin/wpcept run suite
- vendor/bin/wpcept run suite --steps --debug
suites: integration, functional, acceptance
- vendor/bin/wpcept generate:wpunit integration "Lorem"
- vendor/bin/wpcept generate:cept suite "Lorem"
- vendor/bin/wpcept generate:cest suite "Lorem"
- composer require lucatume/wp-browser --dev
- vendor/bin/wpcept bootstrap
- add your WordPress installation data like database name, url...
If the actor classes are not created or updated as you expect, try to generate them manually with the build command
- vendor/bin/wpcept build